12 Rabiul Awwal
As-Salam. ello lovelies~!! ♥
Today mark our 2nd Wedding Anniversary in Islamic Calendar.
It's been 2 years since this moment..
and today, 12 Rabiul Awwal 1433.
I couldn't say much how grateful I am having you as my husben.

Today mark our 2nd Wedding Anniversary in Islamic Calendar.
12 Rabiul Awwal 1431
It's been 2 years since this moment..
and today, 12 Rabiul Awwal 1433.
I couldn't say much how grateful I am having you as my husben.

The two of us right after the akad.
Till next time sweeeties!
♥ LurvyNote:
Oh, Happy Anniversary to Mama & Baba Syaurah too! We shared the same date this year! ;)
♥ We're glad to have your notes. Thanks for dropping by~!! ♥